eDRUMin & Drum-Tec Diabolo 3 👉

Sat Aug 17, 2024 12:24 pm (Last edited: Sun Aug 18, 2024 2:57 pm)

eDRUMin & Drum-Tec Diabolo 3 👉

The hotspot-free and yet positional sensing-capable Drum-Tec 'Diabolo 3' snare works perfectly with the eDRUMin when a potentiometer (like a passive monitor controller*) is used. Otherwise the trigger signal is too hot.

(* I used a JBL Nano Patch Plus (something like this should work as good: https://www.musicstore.com/en_OT/EUR/Now...-REC0011607-000 ))

I pointed out the hot signal issue to Drum-Tec yesterday, and they may come up with a pad update (a built-in voltage divider optimized for each 'Diabolo 3' and 'Pro 3' pad) in the near future.

Until then, at least the 13” snare will work perfectly with the workaround described above. And the PS data do not suffer from the intermediate device.

The rim trigger should also be fine. And if in doubt, the rim piezo can also be left out completely and not sent through the monitor controller: simply connect the 'ring' side of the Y-cable with a double-female coupling 😊.


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